
Persephone’s Palate


Nectar For the Gods Persephone’s Palate

SKU: N/A Category:


Persephone’s Palate is our answer to the use of molasses in a feeding regimen. The calcium in the lignin acts as a microbial food while the lignin sulphonate acts as a chelating agent, (large, organic molecules that are used to envelop highly-reactive trace metal ions). The purpose of chelates is to incorporate metal ions like magnesium, boron, and zinc into a soluble but bound form that is capable of supplying nutrients to the plants. As the chelate breaks down, the metal ion micronutrients are slowly released into the soil in a bioavailable form that may then be taken up by the plant.

Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A

1QT, 1 Gallon, 2.5Gallon