
Grow-Genius Silica 40% Mono-Silicic Acid


40% mono-silicic acid. silica for plants

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Mono-silicic acid is the form of silicon (Si) that plants naturally use but plants must turn normal silicates into mono-silicic before it is bio-available. Silicon allows cells to grow faster and bigger, it also helps plants resist pests and pathogens, even heat stress and water loss. Other forms of silicate must be transferred into mono-silicic acid by root chemistry which takes energy and many weeks; so when applied as mono, silicon works immediately, because mono is 100% bio-available by default unlike silicates, meaning plants can access and use it immediately. Plants only take up silicon in the from of mono-silicic acid. Only GG mono-silicic offers 40% concentration. GG mono-silicic is 10x Better Value.

Grow-Genius 40% monosilicic acid w/w

Ultra fast acting silicon nutrient. For all plants in all settings.

Strengthens natural growth and defences for bigger, healthier plants with increased resistance to:

  • Powdery mildew, Botrytis, Black spot and other fungal pathogens.
  • Thrips, mites, aphids and other biting and piercing pests.
  • Heat stress, water stress and high winds / damage from pruning.
  • Toxicity from heavy metals and other undesirable elements in soil.

For strength and yield increases, faster growth and stress resistance:

  • Apply weekly at 0.3 ml per 10l of water or nutrient solution.
  • Hand water / via irrigation system.
  • Use from seed germination or cutting propagation to a few weeks before harvest.


To build defence against pests, mould and other fungal pathogens:

  • Apply fortnightly as a foliar spray at 0.5ml per litre of water.
  • Use from germination / propagation to just before harvest with fruits, vegetables, salads, herbs and cut flowers.
  • Stop foliar application at early flowering on species with dense or compact flowers, especially indoors. or in cold or damp weather.
  • Don’t spray under full lights, in strong sun or in temperatures over 30C.

Organic usage:

Grow Genius mono-silicic acid is not a registered organic product, but it is compatible with mycorrhizae and bacteria friendly growing techniques at the application rates we recommend. Silicon is not harmful to most beneficial microorganisms and low levels of ethanols are digestible by many soil borne bacteria and fungi. But above all, because our monosilicic is so concentrated, the net addition of product to the soil is tiny: just 0.03ml/L in solution. This is the benefit of treating trace elements as they should be: like vitamins, not food.

Mono-silicic acid (also known as orthosilicic and silicic acid) has powerful effects at very small dosages meaning less input all round, and better outcomes for your plants.


  • Close the container securely immediately after use: ethanol evaporates quickly!
  • ​Do not allow any water or dirt into the container: GG mono will re-polymerise on contact. Use a pipette or other appropriate measuring equipment to measure out the required dosage (pipette included with the 10ml size).
  • Contains ethanols and silicon: safe for plants when used as directed, but not for direct contact with humans: do not ingest, breathe or allow contact with eyes/skin.
  • Always avoid breathing mist from spraying this or any garden product: always wear an appropriately rated mask, eye and hand protection when working with garden chemicals.
  • See product packaging and the MSDS for detailed handling and safety information.

Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A

100ML, 250ML, 500ML, 1L